
All prices below are in CHF. We are also happy to accept EUR and USD at the current exchange rates. Please inform us at the time of booking so that we can determine the appropriate amount in advance.

Tantra Massages

Classic White Tantra – you remain passiv and the receiving part.
DurationSt. Moritz City
Zürich City
St. Gallen
St. Moritz region
zürich region
90 minutesCHF 400.–CHF 450.–
120 minutesCHF 450.–CHF 500.–

Tantra Love Rituals

Tantra massage plus mutual pampering, French kissing, oral sex and sexual union.
DurationSt. Moritz City
Zürich City
St. Gallen
St. Moritz region
zürich region
60 minutesCHF 450.–CHF 500.–
90 minutesCHF 600.–CHF 650.–
120 minutesCHF 750.–CHF 800.–
150 minutesCHF 900.–CHF 950.–
180 minutesCHF 1050.–CHF 1100.–
Overnights approx. 10 hrs.
Only for guests we already know.
CHF 2’500.–CHF 2’600.–

Tantra Love Rituals with two Love Artists

Two love artists pamper the guest as well as each other.
DurationZürich CityBasel
St. Gallen
zürich region
90 minutesCHF 1’050.–CHF 1’150.–
120 minutesCHF 1’300.–CHF 1’400.–
150 minutesCHF 1’550.–CHF 1’650.–
180 minutesCHF 1’800.–CHF 1’900.–
For longer duration please request separately

Tantra Love Rituals with Couples

The love artist pampers both partners with kisses, oral and sexual union.
DurationZürich CityBasel
St. Gallen
zürich region
90 minutesCHF 800.–CHF 850.–
120 minutesCHF 1’000.–CHF 1’050.–
150 minutesCHF 1’200.–CHF 1’250.–
180 minutesCHF 1’400.–CHF 1’450.–
For longer duration please request separately